The First Trans Church of the Holy Spirit ("FTCHS") is based on the Judeo-Christian teachings found in the Old and New Testament but focuses particular attention on Genesis 1:27 which states “SO GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE, IN THE IMAGE OF GOD CREATED HE HIM; MALE AND FEMALE CREATED HE THEM” in conjunction with Deuteronomy 22:5 which states “A WOMAN MUST NOT WEAR MEN’S CLOTHING, NOR A MAN WEAR WOMEN’S CLOTHING, FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD DETESTS ANYONE WHO DOES THIS" and Galatians 3:28 which states "THERE IS NEITHER MALE NOR FEMALE: FOR YE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS." These passages form the Divine Message of the Holy Spirit.
The FTCHS believes that the Divine Message of the Holy Spirit compels all humans to meditate on their existence through deep introspection and conversations with the Holy Spirit by prayer in order to discover their true nature as male and female. The FTCHS refers to this deeply held internal sense of self as the “Divine Message of the Holy Spirit”. Once found, all members must live their lives in accordance with the Divine Message of the Holy Spirit and cannot be confined to their assigned gender roles. The Divine Message of the Holy Spirit’s ultimate commandment is to live according to one’s internal sense of being and to be true to oneself and the Holy Spirit.
No. The FTCHS believes that these terms have been misunderstood by most other religious interpretations. Rather than requiring that a person live as either male or female, the Bible explains that the Holy Spirt created male AND female (Gen 1:27) and commands us to live true to oneself (Deut. 22:5). Importantly, the Bible uses the conjunction AND, which denotes non-contrasting ideas verses the conjunction OR, which denotes alternative ideas. As such, the Holy Spirit compels us to discover for ourselves whether we are MALE AND FEMALE and to live our lives accordingly.
In accordance with its creed, followers of the FTCHS worship the Holy Spirit by honoring their Gender Identity and living their lives in a manner consistent with their deeply held beliefs. Followers are encouraged to live consistently with their inner being in all facets of their lives.
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The First Trans Church of the Holy Spirit is hitting the road on a pilgrimage of Faith! Starting in May 2019, the congregation will travel across North America spreading the Divine Message of the Holy Spirit!
The First Trans Church of the Holy Spirit is on the road and spreading the Divine Message of the Holy Spirit. Recently, the congregation met a minister in the Radium Hot Springs named Mike, who claimed to be spreading the Lord's message. However, Mike proved to be a false profit as he claimed trans people are "confused" and a sign of the end of times. We will pray for him to find the true message of the Lord and accept that Christ accepts and loves all His children.
"To thine own self be true"
WHEREAS, everyone is created in The Holy Spirit’s image. (Genesis 1:27; Isaiah 43:7); and
WHEREAS, the Holy Spirit created two distinct and complementary sexes, male and female (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6), thereby designating the fundamental distinction is embedded in the Sprit of every human; and
WHEREAS, The Holy Spirit makes distinctions in masculine and feminine roles and ordains these distinctions are part of the created order and should find expression in every human heart (Genesis 2:18, 21–24; 1 Corinthians 11:7–9; Ephesians 5:22–33; 1 Timothy 2:12–14); and
WHEREAS, The Fall of man into sin and The Holy Spirit's subsequent curse have introduced all creation to futility —not willingly, but because of The Holy Spirit who subjected to it. (Genesis 3:1–24; Romans 8:20); and
WHEREAS, The Holy Spirit created millions of people across all cultures throughout the world perceive their gender identity to be at variance with some of the physical primary and secondary sex characteristics; and
WHEREAS, The Holy Spirit created people with intersex conditions whose primary and/or secondary physical sexual characteristics are ambiguous yet still in The Holy Spirit's image. Genesis 1:27; Isaiah 43:7); and
WHEREAS, The Holy Spirit's creation of people with intersex conditions incontrovertibly demonstrates that the sexual characteristics of an individual can be ambiguous yet remain in the Holy Spirit's image; and
WHEREAS, every major medical association recognizes people have transgender and intersex conditions (including The American Medical Association, The American Psychiatric Association, The American Academy of Pediatrics, and more) and recommends affirming medical care ( condition); and
WHEREAS, every major medical association includes among its scientificslly based "best practice" treatment options for gender dysphoria that people have access to cross-sex hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery, and the ability to socially and legaly transition to the gender they were created by and in The Holy Spirit's image; and
WHEREAS, news reports indicate that some people are objecting to allowing others to honor The Holy Spirit by remaining true to their gender; and
WHEREAS, many activists have sought to normalize the oppression of transgender people and to erase the transgender experience by attempting to define gender according to their own self-perceived definition apart from biological reality that humans are sometimes created with ambiguous primary and secondary sex characteristics; and
WHEREAS, the supression of one’s gender identity poses the harmful effect of engendering an understanding of sexuality and personhood that is rigid and unambiguous; and
WHEREAS, the supression of one's gender identity is against the Devine Message of The Holy Spirit; and
WHEREAS, some activists are encouraging parents and teachers to affirm the feelings of children whose self-perception of other student's gender is in opposition to the other student's sex as created by and in the image of The Holy Spirit; and
WHEREAS, some public schools are denying access to restrooms and locker rooms according to children’s self-perception of other student's gender and not according to the other student's sex as created by and in the image of The Holy Spirit ; and
WHEREAS, these cultural currents run counter to the Bible and The Devine Message of The Holy Spirit that humans are the special creation of The Holy Spirit. Humans are made in The Holy Spirit's own image. Humans are created male AND female as the crowning work of creation. The gift of gender is thus part of the goodness of The Holy Spirit's creation”; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the messengers to the First Trans Church of the holy Spirit's meeting in Denver, Colorado, March 20, 2019, affirm The Holy Spirit’s good design that gender identity is determined by the sex created by The Holy Spirit and not by another person's perception—a perception which is often influenced by fallen human nature in ways contrary to God’s design (Ephesians 4:17–18); and be it further
RESOLVED, That we grieve the reality of human fallenness which can result in such biological manifestations as bigotry and transphobia and fear of others who do not conform to that individuals self perceived notion of another person and point all to the hope of the redemption in Christ (Romans 8:23; Galations 3:28); and be it further
RESOLVED, That we extend love and compassion to those whose sexual self-understanding is shaped by a distressing conflict between their self perceived definition of another person's sex and the other person's sex as created by and in the image of The Holy Spirit; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we invite all to trust in The Holy Spirit and to experience renewal in the Gospel (1 Timothy 1:15–16); and be it further
RESOLVED, That we love our neighbors, seek their good always, welcome them to our churches and, as they repent and believe in The Holy Spirit , receive them into church membership (2 Corinthians 5:18–20; Galatians 5:14); and be it further
RESOLVED, That we regard all humans as image-bearers of The Holy Spirit and therefore condemn acts of abuse or bullying committed against anyone; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we oppose efforts to alter one’s bodily identity (e.g., cross-sex hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery) to refashion it to conform with another person’s self perceived belief about one's gender identity; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we continue to oppose steadfastly all efforts by any governing official or body to validate ons's self perceived notions about another person's gender or sexual identity as morally praiseworthy (Isaiah 5:20); and be it further
RESOLVED, That we oppose all cultural efforts to impose gender or sexual identity on any another person except for oneself; and be it finally
RESOLVED, That our love for The Holy Spirit must include declaring the whole counsel of The Holy Spirit, proclaiming what the Bible teaches about The Holy Spirit's design for us as male and female persons created in The Holt Spirit's image and for The Holy Spirit's glory (Matthew 28:19–20; Acts 20:27;
First Trans Church of the Holy Spirit
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